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Professional Services

RecycleSmart's Automated Garbage Bins Cut Down on Waste

  • Jul, 22 2013
  • Industry Sector:Professional Services


RecycleSmart is a Vancouver based, privately held, sustainability services provider that leads the market in providing innovative waste prevention, sustainability, and recycling management solutions. 

RecycleSmart was approached by a large resort hotel to help maximize its compactor utilization. The seasonal nature of the resort industry meant there was a large variation in waste volumes generated throughout the year.

With no accurate method to measure compactor fill level, the resort was operating on a twice per week pickup schedule meaning the compactor was often not full when picked up by the hauler. These unnecessary pickups were costing the resort thousands of dollars and generating excess carbon emissions.


RecycleSmart uses their experience and expertise to maximize equipment utilization, optimize service frequency and match capacity to business needs.

Their monitoring technology ensures compactors are utilized to their full capacity and that service is performed as requested. All service data is entered into the RecycleSmart monitoring system which produces easy to read monthly reports that allow managers to spot trends and abnormal events.

In this case, RecycleSmart installed a remote electronic monitoring system that automatically calls for service when the bin reaches ¾ full.


RecycleSmart was able to help the resort hotel eliminate 72 unnecessary compactor pickups each year. This has translated into $11,000 in annual savings, reduced truck trips and reduced carbon emissions.

For more information on how RecycleSmart connects sustainability and business visit:

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