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Food and Beverage

Menuboard Recycling

  • Oct, 01 2014
  • Industry Sector:Food and Beverage


Tim Hortons understands that changes in the environment need to be managed and embraces their responsibility to do their part. During recent restaurant upgrades, they identified an opportunity to champion environmental and social responsibility through responsible end-of-life management of old menuboards.


In 2013, Tim Hortons partnered with a third party recycling company to implement a strategic menuboard-recycling program to divert waste from landfill. Old menuboards that were removed during restaurant renovations were sent to a recycling facility, where they were dismantled and separated into their various components  (including electronics). The materials were then sold to industry organizations, such as steel mills, aluminum foundries and/or large-scale electronics recyclers.


In total, Tim Hortons facilitated the recycling of approximately 230,000 pounds of materials and generated approximately $25,000 in revenues which were donated to the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation.

Menuboard Recycling</h3>

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