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Ginsey Home Solutions Partners With Suppliers To Go Green

  • May, 28 2013
  • Industry Sector:Manufacturing


Ginsey Home Solutions is a leading provider of products for the home including bath, shower, kitchen and children’s potty training and feeding products. With popular product lines featuring recognizable brands such as Disney, Nickelodeon, Sesame Street and Rubbermaid reaching millions of homes, Ginsey Home Solutions wanted to create sustainable products using ethical practices.


While many companies focus exclusively on controlling their internal green initiatives, Ginsey recognizes that the sustainability practices of their suppliers also play a major role in the company’s overall impact on the environment. To this end, Ginsey’s sustainability strategy places a major focus on partnering with suppliers whose green practices align with their own values and goals.

Examples are as follows:

  • The supplier of PDQ and master carton labels uses solar panel technology
  • The supplier of bellybands and packaging is Rainforest Alliance Certified
  • The supplier of  corrugated plastic uses recycled content of 43% and products are printed with low-emission, water-base or soy-based inks
  • The supplier of lids and rings for adult toilet seats uses a blend of post-consumer and post-industrial recycled material


Ginsey Home Solutions has also made efforts to reduce waste by optimizing recycling practices in their own facilities:

  • Excess vinyl from producing toilet seats is recycled, and reused into the vinyl manufacturing process for other products
  • Recycling of all corrugated, paper and plastic at corporate offices
  • All business reports are printed double-sided on recycled paper, reducing paper consumption by 35%
  • Paper stock for product development is supplied by Hammermill, a member of Sustainable Forestry Initiative
  • Digital proofing for all graphics vs. hard copy proofing to reduce paper usage
  • Product Example: Ginsey developed lines of bamboo products including toilet seats, children’s step stools, feeding and floor coverings.


By looking beyond its own internal sustainability practices to ensure its suppliers’ operate with the same environmental values and goals, Ginsey Home Solutions ensures that it manufactures home products that are of the highest quality for both the consumer and the environment.


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